St. Clement’s School Limerick Trials Hushd Phone Pouches for a Distraction-Free Environment

St. Clement’s School in Limerick has taken a proactive step toward fostering a focused learning environment by trialing Hushd phone pouches. These innovative pouches securely store students’ phones during the school day, creating a phone-free atmosphere that promotes engagement and productivity in the classroom.

Principal [Name] shared their positive experience with the trial: “The support we received from the Hushd team, both before and during the implementation, was outstanding. They worked closely with us to ensure a smooth rollout, and we’ve already noticed a significant improvement in student focus and classroom interaction.”

The trial has been met with enthusiasm from both staff and students, demonstrating how small changes can lead to a more conducive learning environment. St. Clement’s is leading the way in embracing innovative solutions to modern distractions, setting a strong example for other schools.

#HushdInSchools #DistractionFreeLearning #StClementsLimerick
